Welcome to Alma | Colorado   Click to listen highlighted text! Welcome to Alma | Colorado

Alma | Colorado


Greetings Town of Alma Citizens! 

We are taking a stand on the COVID-19 virus mitigation efforts.

We gratefully recognize the many citizens and businesses implementing the safety protocols as directed by the CDC and our government bodies. Thank you!

Our mission; protect our community in the prevention of viral outbreak to the best of our ability by taking care of ourselves so that we can then be of further service to others, especially those who are at risk.

Effective immediately, Tuesday, March 17, 2020, all town meetings and events held in all town facilities are cancelled until further notice. We plan to hold all future council meetings (during this self isolation period) online and on the phone.

The town staff will continue working to provide town services such as water, sewer, trash, and recycling. We do ask the public to not enter the town offices even though staff is available. You can reach the staff via email or phone. Please visit our CONTACT page for staff contact info. Town bills can be dropped off in the drop box located outside of the Town Hall building, mailed to PO Box 1050, or paid online at http://townofalma.com/online-payments.

We appreciate your understanding and support


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